Thursday, December 19, 2013

Bitcoin part of the elite, the illuminati, new world order?

Bitcoin part of the elite, the illuminati, new world order?

Ok before I write this, I want people to understand I am not a believer, I am not a fantasist and I do not want to make direct links between bitcoins and the things I discuss.

OK i read a lot around the illuminati, new world order and to some people 'all that shite'. I dont believe in it, however I do think there  is a strong possibility of its existence. To me Ive read pretty heavily fact based evidence around 9/11, the financial crisis, earthquakes, and even the collapse of recent of arab and middle eastern states. To the objective viewer of such subjects many believe that 'they' created such issues so as to not only lead to a one world state (I give you IMF, NATO, and the like).  It is also many peoples beliefs that they are attempting to milk all liquid cash out of the system that we call our financial world.

Now with what limited evidence that I have read about the creator Satoshi,  I believe that one day IF the bitcoin system collapses and that satoshi does not make himself present in one way or another, that this was all a ploy in order to scam hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars from you and me. We are firm believers in Bitcoins, we see logical sense in its creation, as well as its future within out world. But since the world wars it has been an objective of western states to use disinformation as a weapon against those who stand in 'their' way.

By skipping financial control, legislation and the direct influence of politics, this all seems very in line with disinformation, especially as the creator is not around to back his claims. Note that in previous attempts to create a untraceable internet currency the founding companies were subject to tax and drug enforcement controls and ultimately shut down. I understand that the same cannot be implemented to bitcoins, however there is one thing that can. Bank control over input and output of foreign currencies to the system. It makes me, and many of my friends think, why has this not been discussed yet. As I understand it the system is worth $200million, why have the banks not stopped the flow of money, much like how they stopped donations to the wikileaks scenario.

I could write on and on, but what I have written is for those who think 'what if...' I hope you go to do your own research in time and make your own conclusions.


Trance according to the science of Psychology

Trance according to the science of Psychology

Keep in mind may be a patient with epilepsy or epilepsy relapse when experiencing hallucinations seen ghosts , heard whispers and then her voice changed and are similar to the symptoms of the trance . The symptoms are usually present in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy , although the disease is rare . Epileptic seizures in school children would like trance . These symptoms fishing classmates others - especially women who are experiencing a lot of problems and difficulties to come infected symptoms .

In medical terms is called a possession trance trance or a trance state ownership is the presence of a single or episodic changes in a person's state of consciousness where it can be seen in the change of personal identity with a new idenditas . For example, the person feels to be someone who lived hundreds of years ago or call himself champion etc. . As a result , these people have a strange and bizarre behavior .

Sure you 've seen in the electronic media how school children or working women who possessed it with sharp eyes symptoms , frightening , blank and straight forward . Then his voice changed , which was refined to be big and heavy as a man's voice , but that is a woman possessed . If we check , blood pressure slightly down unless he's thrashing . His temperature is down and feels somewhat cold .

The strange thing is his physical strength exceeds owned by his usual strength everyday . Sometimes he acts rude jog and throw people around , shouting and talking is not known , and may be ngalantur speak a foreign language he did not know before or also called xenolalia . Some time later , without the need to hold or squeezed hard trance process will be stopped and followed by symptoms of amnesia or forgetting all or part of what happened to him .

At that time there will be a sense of profound fatigue and pain in the whole body . Body pain it is actually the result of the people who helped her and pressing her airway shut as efforts to repel spirits out of the body . It is an act that is not true .

Judging from the nervous system , is the phenomenon of trance attack on the limbic system which largely governs emotions , actions and behaviors . Limbic system is very extensive and covers a wide range of parts in the various lobes of the brain . With the severity of the disruption of emotion and stress due to the difficulties of life , there arose a stimulus which will affect the limbic system . Finally , there was a mess of substance introductory nerve stimulation or neurotransmitter . Excitatory nerve conductive substance may be norepinephrine or serotonin also causes changes in behavior or vice versa .

Based on my experience , to find out if a person possessed or experienced a hysterical reaction , just check the eyelids always closed it . Try to open his eyelids . Patients who experienced a hysterical reaction will usually hold it firmly . Reactions were easily mass hysteria occurred in female students especially problematic . The possibility that it possessed the most only one or two people , then spread to other students .

This hysteria generally elicit a reaction of fear . They are mentally strong and he is in trouble , he will scream , and his body had seizures or rigid . This can be seen clearly at hand . Women are relatively easy to hit trance and hysteria , because in addition to the more emotional factors also possibly because there are hormonal differences from men . That's approximately the scientific medical explanation of the trance .