Friday, February 4, 2011

Neurotic people can each company a cost of $ 22,000 a year

neurotics are not only what your own life more difficult but also cost billions of dollars in company health costs and lost productivity each year, according to a Dutch study.

Researchers at the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam analyzed the cost of being neurotic and found, while neurotic individuals society lowest cost less than $ 3,000 per year, most neurotic people cost more than $ 22,000 a year.

Neuroticism - a tendency towards companies worry, anxiety and emotional and downs - is considered a personality trait with genetic roots and is strongly associated with various mental illnesses, including depression, anxiety and schizophrenia.

"We think that the economic costs would be a good way to assess the overall impact of neuroticism," said Dr. Pim Cuijpers told Reuters Health. "We were surprised that the impact was so great."

While research has examined the economic costs of the various mental disorders, most studies have focused on neuroticism one disorder or a mental health issue, Cuijpers and colleagues said in their study published in Archives of General Psychiatry.

For their study looked at nearly 5,500 adults and examined their medical expenses and the number of days they were absent from work to reach an annual rate (in dollars).

Neurotic traits were assessed using a scale of 14 items drawn from a questionnaire widely used personality inventory in the Netherlands.

The researchers found that the average cost for people who scored at 5 percent on the basis of neuroticism was $ 12,362 above the average population.

Excess costs for people 10 percent were $ 8,243, while the costs for 25 percent scored the highest in neuroticism were $ 5,572.

The increased costs associated with neuroticism were "considerably higher" than those of mental health problems, such as mood disorders and anxiety disorders, substance abuse, and somatic disorders (ie, physical problems related psychologically), the researchers said.

For example, common mental disorders cost an extra $ 600 million per million inhabitants, it is estimated, compared with nearly $ 1.4 billion for neuroticism.

This is largely because more people with some degree of neuroticism that there are people with mental illness, Cuijpers said.

Cuijpers said the findings show that personality affects not only the individual but also society.

"If this is done as a common understanding, there are many levels at which these problems could be reduced," said Cuijpers. "For example, employers can develop a good climate of mental health and mental health services may be included as basic needs in health care in general."

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Why Did American Idol Apologize for Steven Tyler?

It's Steven Tyler and cause problems in American Idol?

During the hearing Wednesday round Austin, Texas, Idol producers issued what it called an "apology" for "outrageous" behavior rocker.

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"American Idol like to apologize for rowdy behavior last week by Steven Tyler," read the statement, which was dragged on the screen just before the opening sequence. "Mr. Tyler has been advised and assures us that will not happen again."

After the statement is displayed, the broadcast cut to a contestant named Jake Muck enter the hearing room.

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"You know what rhymes with muck, right?" Tyler, 62, asked.

Muck response: "duck?"

"Read my lips" Tyler threw it again, implying a curse word.

Although the brief exchange and "apology" after viewers perplexed, crazy rocker "Tyler-isms" have started to become an indispensable part of the season 10.

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And despite telling a singer to "f - ka duck and see what hatches" and praising the other to show the "exact amount" of the leg with a skirt, Tyler says he will not follow in the footsteps of grumpy Simon Cowell .

"I'm really not giving one of insults," he told "They have a voice and they do not want to sing to their children when they grow up."

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Rise in some cancers linked to oral sex

There is an alarming rise in the incidence of certain types of head neck cancer among middle-aged and younger Americans, and some experts link the trend to an increase in the popularity of oral sex during the last decades.

That's because the human papilloma virus (HPV) is an important trigger for these cancers, and HPV can be transmitted through this type of sexual activity.

"It seems like a very good link that increased sexual activity, including oral sex is associated with increased HPV infection," said Dr. Greg Hartig, professor of otolaryngology - head and neck surgery at the School Wisconsin University of Medicine and Public Health in Madison.

According to Dr. William Lydiatt, professor and chief of oncology of head and neck surgery at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, the overall incidence of cancer of the head and neck going down, largely because fewer people are smoking (snuff and drink are the major traditional risk factors).

However, the incidence of cancers of the tonsils and base of the tongue have been rising in recent decades, he said. And those are the ones most likely to test positive for HPV.

"It reached the point where 60-70% of all cancers of the tonsils in the U.S. are related to HPV," said Lydiatt.

Although the relationship between HPV and this type of cancer is indisputable, the association with oral sex is strong, but a bit more speculative, experts say.

A 2007 study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that younger people with head and neck cancer who tested positive for oral HPV infection were more likely to have had multiple vaginal and oral sex partners in your life.

In the study, which has six or more oral sex partners during a lifetime was associated with a 3.4 times greater risk of oropharyngeal cancer - cancer of the base of the tongue, back of the throat or tonsils. Having 26 or more vaginal-sex partners tripled the risk.

And the association increased its membership - in every category - increased.

The researchers also reported that cancers of the tonsils and base of the tongue have increased every year since 1973, and wrote that "the spread of oral sex practices among adolescents may be a contributing factor to this increase."

The researchers concluded that, in their study, oral sex was "strongly associated" with oropharyngeal cancer, but said he could not "rule out transmission through direct mouth-to-face contact" kisses, as French.

In 90% of cases of HPV infection in the body, the immune system clears HPV naturally within two years, according to federal health agencies, but in some cases, certain types of HPV can cause cervical cancer less common cancers, and oropharyngeal cancer. A 2010 study in Sweden, in fact, suggests that the increase in oropharyngeal cancer of squamous cells in a number of countries is caused by a slow epidemic of HPV-induced infection (cancers). "

HPV tends to be site-specific, said Dr. A. AMESH Adalja, an associate professor in the division of infectious diseases at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. In other words, tends to be always first enters the body, either the vagina (in some cases could lead to cervical cancer), or the mouth and throat.

The same applies to the increased incidence of saying that the latest generations are having more sex than their grandparents?

"The general consensus on the street is that because people (sexual), practices have changed over time, we are seeing an increase in these types of cancer," said Hartig. "I do not know why they are having more oral sex (but) the concept of having oral sex is something that seems less dark for you as you did with your parents or grandparents."

"The idea would be that the" baby boomers "- the 60 and the generation of early 70's - probably had more freedom in sexual relations in general, including oral sex," said Dr. Bert W. O'Malley Jr., president of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, University of Pennsylvania.

And at least in terms of oral sex, which seems true for the children of boomers.

The U.S. Centers Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that in 2002, about 90% of men and 88% of women aged 25 to 44 reported having oral sex with a partner of the opposite sex.

The comparative figures for 1992 showed that about three quarters of men aged 20 to 39 and about 70% of women aged 18 to 59 who have given or received oral sex.

The positive side is that HPV-related head and neck cancer are eminently more treatable than those attributable to smoking or drinking, although they tend to be diagnosed at a later stage.

"(Head and neck cancers associated with HPV) have been much easier to treat. You can use less intense radiation," said Dr. DJ Verret, assistant clinical professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School and a surgeon facial plastic in Plano, Texas.

About 85% of nonsmokers with HPV positive tumors survive. That figure drops to 45 or 50% in people who smoke and are HPV-negative, Lydiatt said.

And the tongue and tonsil cancers are still relatively rare in the United States. The other good news - at least for the youngest - is that there is a relatively new vaccine to prevent HPV infection. It will not help those already infected, but "absolutely" could help those not yet infected with the virus are ubiquitous, Verret said.

Meanwhile, the people, especially youth, need to realize that smoking is not the only risk factor for head and neck cancer. If you find a lump in the neck, even if you are only 20 or 30, "pay attention to that," said Lydiatt.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Hussein Salem caught in Dubai

Hussein Salem caught in Dubai with 500 million dollars

Salem is a partner with Israeli businessman Yosef Maiman in the Environmental Management Group, which supplies gas to Israel.

Hussein Salem, an Egyptian partner of Israeli businessman Yosef Maiman in the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Company (EMG), which has long-term agreements to supply natural gas to Israel, has been arrested in Dubai with $ 500 million in cash in his possession, according to agency reports this morning.

It was reported yesterday that Salem and his family fled to Egypt because of the turmoil in the country. report of the Arab media that Salem went to Dubai, while his family moved to an unknown location. Salem is considered close to the Egyptian regime, including the son of Mubarak, President Hosni Mubarak, Gamal, who allegedly left Egypt in London.

Salem owns 28% of EMG, which has supplied gas to Israel from June 2008.

Salem is one of the most mysterious businessmen in Egypt, and what is known has never been interviewed in the Western press. In Egypt, is known as the owner of a hotel chain, and as the confidant of Mubarak and his family. The business tie Maiman was formed when they were partners in building a refinery in Alexandria in the late 1970's.

Maiman sold its stake in the refinery early in the decade due to internal criticism in Egypt, and began to focus on natural gas exports to Israel. When EMG was founded in 2000, Salem had 65%, 25% owned Maiman, and the Egyptian government property of others. Yesterday morning, in an official press release, Maiman said that gas exports to Israel by EMG will continue as usual.

In July 2007, Salem sold 12% of the EMG to Sam Zell and David Fisher, U.S. in a valuation of $ 2.2 billion, and four months later sold 25% of the Thai national oil company PTT in a valuation of $ 2 billion. The rest of the company's shares are now owned by Maiman (20.6%), institutions of Israel (4.3%), and the government of Egypt through government EGAS gas company (10%) .